
RACI launched the first Digital Platform for SDG for Civil Society projects in Argentina

PLATAFORMA ODS ( is the first space that makes visible the projects of all the social organizations of Argentina and its contribution to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Argentine Network for International Cooperation (RACI) with the support of the United Nations in Argentina and Cablevision-Fibertel launched a digital tool allowing to visualize which and how many Civil Society Organizations in Argentina are currently working on the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), outlined from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The event was held in the Auditorium of the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) for Argentina, and Uruguay was attended by Tamar Hahn, Director of the United Nations Information Center; Guillermo Correa, Executive Director of RACI and Mariana Giacumbo, Manager of External Communications of Cablevision-Fibertel.

With more than 100 active projects, the interactive platform offers an opportunity of visibility mainly for the Third Sector, allowing the same organizations to carry their projects, classifying them according to the SDG to which they contribute, their geographical location in the country, the type of organization running, and the targeted population. As such, “Plataforma ODS” is a reliable source of information for the public, private and academic sectors.

“RACI works unceasingly in strengthening the Third Sector and in generating productive and sustainable alliances that contribute to development,” said Correa at the launch event, adding that ” ‘Platform ODS’ is a tool where the public sector, the private sector and Civil society will be able to support and leverage when seeking allies in all regions of the country according to different themes, thus creating synergies.

According to Hahn, “the project carried out by RACI is, for us United Nations, a very valuable contribution to improving coordination between civil society organizations, public and private sectors, using information and communication technologies. Communication (ICT)”.

“We know that the platform will be a success in Argentina, and we hope to serve other countries in the region and in the world,” the representative of the UN concluded.

At the moment of his intervention, Giacumbo stated that “since the beginning of our commitment to the community, at Cablevision-Fibertel we work to strengthen the technological capabilities of organizations.”

“The platform is a great first step that has the potential to generate new alliances in pursuit of the UN agenda by 2030, to encourage support for more vulnerable sectors or geographies with hard information, and the possibility of replicating and scaling up development towards other types of organizations and other countries in the region” Giacumbo concluded. The “Plataforma ODS” project; implemented by RACI, is part of the Voluntary National Review that Argentina presented during the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York, United States, on the last 17th of July 2017. This meeting reviewed partial implementations in the countries that volunteered to show the work they have been doing since the approval of the New Global Development Agenda.




RACI continues to grow!

After having undergone the process of membership, 27 organizations formalized their entry into the Network upon the signing of their respective agreements.

On August 8th, the Argentine Network for International Cooperation received its new members at the headquarters of AMIA. There, the team of RACI made its institutional presentation in which it exposed, in addition to its axis of work and activities, the benefits, commitments and responsibilities that each of the new partners must assume as a member.

As part of the meeting, Kurt Frieder, Executive Director of Fundación Huésped y Bárbara Kuss, Executive Director of Fundación Huerta Niño, welcomed as members of the Executive Committee of RACI. From their experience, they commented on how the work on the net is, what are the benefits of articulating with other organizations and the important role of RACI in all sectors.

After a brief presentation from each member, an approach was immediately generated between all those organizations that identified potential networking opportunities.

To conclude the event, the Executive Directors proceeded to sign the agreements with Guillermo Correa, Executive Director of the Argentine Network for International Cooperation.

We welcome our new 27 members!

  • Fundación Convivir
  • Servicio Evangélico de Diaconia Asociación Civil (SEDI)
  • Fundación Salud sin Daño
  • Fundación León
  • Fundación Estudiantes Internacionales Debatiendo por el Saber (EIDOS)
  • Asociación civil madre Tierra
  • Voy con Vos Asociación Civil por la educación
  • Educar, Integrar y Crecer Asociación Civil
  • Emanuel Asociación Civil Cristiana Evangélica
  • Asociación Civil Unidos por el Deporte
  • Fundación Todavía es Tiempo
  • Scouts de Argentina Asociación Civil
  • Perro Comunitario
  • AVOME Asociacion Voluntarios de Mendoza Niñez y Familia
  • Fundacion Ser Activo
  • Fundación Paz por la No Violencia Familiar
  • Asociación Civil Sustentar para el Desarrollo Sostenible
  • Asociación Civil Misiones Rurales Argentinas
  • Fundación MicroJusticia Argentina
  • Fundación América Solidaria
  • Fundación para el Desarrollo Regional
  • Centro para la Información Ciudadana Asociación Civil
  • Asociación Civil La Poderosa. Integración por la Educación Popular
  • Fundación Rosario
  • Civil Proyecto 7 gente en situación de calle
  • Fundación Magister
  • Fundación para el Análisis y la Reflexión de la Argentina (FUNDARA)




Voluntary National Reviews of the countries from America Latina and the Caribbean

The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development took place in New-York, from the 17th to 19th of July. This Forum is a place of major significance on the global scale for the following-up of the 2030 Agenda and, on this occasion, 11 countries from America Latina and the Caribbean presented their Sustainable Development Goals on the national scale. As such, political guidance is required to comply with the ODS, in particular for the 1st (No Poverty), 2nd (Zero Hunger), 3rd (Good Health and Well-being) 5th (Gender Equality) 9th (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and 14th (Life Below Water).

Given the context, the CEPEI performed a qualitative analysis on the presentations of the countries of the region in order to have a first outlook of the reports that were presented. The methodology used was based on the tracking of words and concerted expressions around a group of pre-selected variables. This analysis has as purpose to evaluate the capacity of reports to be part of a “review cycle”, in which it is understood that they must be a part of a continuous, over-time process. Thus, it seeks to produce commitment on the part of the states.

Before focusing on the case of Argentina, we need to take into account several fundamental aspects. First, according to World Bank’s updated data (2016), the country has a population of 43,847,430 inhabitants, a GDP of 546,866 (in trillions of USD) and a Gini coefficient of 42,7 (2014), qualifying it as a Upper Middle-Income Country. Regarding the Human Development Index (HDI), and according to the PNUD, Argentina is ranked 45th. From this perspective, we can delve into the synthesis of Voluntary National Reviews, which shows clear-cut indicators and establishes intermediate goals to be achieved on the way to final compliance with the ODS by the year 2030. In that way, it is incorporated as part of a technical and participatory process that was commissioned to the National Council for Coordination of Social Policies.

The challenges that Argentina will have to face, according to the analysis made by CEPEI, are as follow: consolidation of monitoring; reduction of inequalities and gaps; ensuring availability of budgetary resources; legal mechanisms to reach these established goals and articulate, coordinate and integrate work with other powers and sectors. Equally, the 2030 Agenda has a wide territorial range and covers topics that concerns the provinces because of their primary responsibility for education, health, security ,etc. Therefore, the local adaptation of the Agenda in Argentina is of particular importance.

Regarding non-state actors and multisectorial alliances, the report points out that from the executive branch, spaces for participation at different levels of government were created, not only as a way to strengthen people’s rights, but also to promote better policies that have more positive results.

The Executive Branch’s decision to carry out the 2030 Agenda has led the Government to have sectoral strategic goals and plans, so that it facilitates the alignment with ODS goals. In order to finance the implementation of the Agenda, the budget grew by $222,324 million, which represents an increase of 22.1% over the initial budget. The most important social functions were Social Promotion and Assistance (+43.4%), Social Security (+25.5%), Science and Technology (+22.8%) and Water and Sewerage (+22.4%).

The report refers to the three dimensions of Sustainable Development: social, environmental and economic. Argentina, with respect to the principles of Agenda 2030, has a global vision of a development that “leaves no one behind.” At the regional level, it strongly committed itself to addressing the so-called “big data” in order to move towards better monitoring of these issues. On the other hand, at the national level, the priority goals of the 17 ODS were selected according to the objective of eliminating poverty and the priorities of the National Government. From this situation, the government’s comprehensive strategy was elaborated for the fulfillment of its priority goals in connection with the ODS mentioned above. In this sense, in relation to ODS #1, the Universal Allowance per Child (UAC) refers to approximately 3.7 million children and adolescents up to 18 years of age, 9.3% of the country’s population . Additionally, the Pregnancy Allowance reaches 78,600 pregnant women. With regard to ODS #2, it was set as a goal to increase the percentage of registered family farmers by 20% by 2030. On the other hand, for ODS #3 it is indicated that there is a Universal Health Care which guarantees the population access to health services. With respect to the fifth ODS, the final goal is that 90% of reproductive age, sexually active women use a contraceptive method. The National Water Plan (ODS #9) is expected in the medium term to provide full coverage of drinking water and sewage to 75% of urban households. Lastly, for ODS #14, the final goal was to achieve that the percentage of coastal protected areas reach 9% of the total by 2030.

For more information, visit


CIVICUS’ General Secretary was in Argentina with RACI!

On July 5th and 6th Danny Sriskandaraj, CIVICUS’ General Secretary, World Alliance for Citizen Participation, visited our country for the first time. During his stay in Buenos Aires, RACI took him to meetings with representatives of the Civil Society, Government and Private Sector.

Throughout his visit, the General Secretary of CIVICUS could meet up with Tamar Hahn Director of the United Nations for Argentina and Uruguay; Josè Ugaz, Transparency International’s President; Hugo Wortman Jofre and Pablo Secchi, Poder Ciudadano’s President and Executive Director respectively; Anabel Cruz, CIVICUS’ President; Maria Julia Diaz Ardaya, GDFE’s President; Guillermo Correa, RACI’s Executive Director and the Executive Committee.

Within his agenda, and with the aim of listening the greatest diversity of voices as possible, Danny Sriskandarajah met the National Development Minister, Carolina Stanley, to know her viewpoint about the reality of the Argentinian Civil Society.

To conclude his stay, RACI realized an event with its partners where it was possible to discuss and share different positions about the Civil Society’s status worldwide and in Argentina in particular; and where the CIVICUS’ General Secretary, could be interviewed by different media.


One more year of learning at Kettering Foundation

Part of the RACI team went to Dayton, Ohio in the United States, where it continued with the workshop about Deliberative Democracy that provides the Kettering Foundation.

With a working dynamic fully renewed, and the development of an application specially thought for the participants; the Kettering Foundation welcomed guests from all over the world with the goal of learning and sharing experiences about the deliberative methodology that teaches the Institute of Deliberative Democracy each year.

This year, part of the RACI Team went to Dayton with the aim to share the project “Leave no one behind”, conducted during last October in the Embassy of Canada, where were put into practice several characteristics of the methodology promoted by the Foundation. The Argentinian case study was a trigger for the opening of one of the session in which participants from South Africa, India and Fiji shared as well their experiences.

As part of the changes, the Foundation developed an application which, apart from including contacts of every participant, week’s agenda and the materials which will be used; had interactive spaces where was able to make comments or to ask questions in real time about speakers’ presentations, and to make group exercises during the sessions. Another great new was the presence of designers who captured each session with drawings and graphics which decorated the event rooms’ walls during the full week.

In a unique opportunity to create networking with people from all over the world, the team had the chance to make contact with representatives from public sector, private sector, the Academy and Third Sector which made easy the sharing of experiences and possibilities to form potential alliances which would lead to common projects in the future.


We continue visiting our partners!

Among all the activities promoted by the Network, since last year, RACI continues to implement a schedule of visits to partner organizations with the objective of bringing the teams closer together, knowing the themes in which they work and the communities they support on a daily basis.

On this occasion RACI visited Tzedaká Foundation, an organization with more than 25 years working in the sector focused on the fight against poverty mainstreamed by different complementary programs that make the integrality with which the problems in the Foundation are treated.

Over the years, the Foundation has been able to develop different accompanying programs that are divided into the following axes: education, health, housing, childhood and old age. Among all the activities carried out within the different axes of action, we highlight the uninterrupted receipt of donations of medicines which are classified, systematized and re organized to be donated again.

During the visit, the group of volunteers, together with the Tzedaká staff, explained the exhaustive procedure of analysis of donations that has a first stage of discarding those drugs that are due or about to expire. Those that are in conditions to be consumed are grouped according to their drug and dose and the carton is classified and any other material that can be recycled.

In the same process, the volunteers, and later the team of pharmacists, systematize all the data that allow the organization to obtain the traceability of each drug before being sent to its final destination: direct beneficiaries of a Tzedaká program or indirect beneficiaries such as hospitals.

Thanks to the commitment of a large team of professionals and the volunteer network they have developed, they provide direct assistance to more than 11,000 people and approximately 35,000 indirectly.

From RACI we thank the Foundation for having received the team and let you know more about the excellent work they do.


RACI has a new publication!

On June 23, 2017, the Argentine Network for International Cooperation organized the launch of its new publication “Strengthening the local private social investment agents. Disseminating ideas, creating links” at Telefonica Foundation.

Thanks to the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, RACI was able to gather experiences from key representatives of the Private Sector, with the objective of strengthening the process of Local Private Social Investment for development in Argentina. This publication seeks to create the basis for private social investors to increase their impact and articulation with different actors.

During the launch day, both civil society organizations and representatives of the private sector were present at the event that had a panel composed of: Carlos March, Director of Strategic Communication of AVINA Foundation; Inés Castro Almeyra, Executive Director of Navarro Viola Foundation; María Julia Díaz Ardaya, President of the Group of Foundations and Companies (GDFE) and Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility Grupo Clarín and Agustina Catone, Director of Fundación Telefónica.

They were responsible for sharing and exchanging experiences and ideas with the public to analyze the contributions made by the Private Sector in the Third Sector and vice versa.

Publication will be available soon for free download in the Virtual Library of our website at:


CIVICUS launched its new report: State of Civil Society 2017

CIVICUS, the global civil society alliance, in which RACI is member, published its annual Civil Society report. The report analyzes main facts and events that are relevant for global civil society.

 The first part of the brief is focused on two disturbing problems: the shrinking space for civil society and regressive policies revival, complemented by the rise of right-wing politics leaders.

The world faces a democratic crisis because civil rights had been restricted: right of free speech, freedom of assembly and association. The report highlights how dangerous it is to challenge the power and the risks that are involved in the mere fact of dissent.

The special issue of the 2017 edition addresses the relationship between civil society and the private sector. The main idea analyzed this year is the urgent need to convince companies of the importance of civic space. The relevance of companies at a global level is becoming larger; According to the report three quarters of the world’s 100 largest economies are corporations and national states. The growing influence of the private sector can play an important role in safeguarding civil liberties. And so the report presents a series of responses and recommendations to work together and urge companies to take an active engagement with civil society.

The report also features a series of interviews with people involved in the main stories of the moment, an annual survey of the members of AGNA (Affinity Group of National Associations) and 27 articles about the relationship of civil society and the private sector written by representatives of Civil Society Organizations, public and private sector.

To read the full report, visit:



World Financing to the ODS reached USD $ 140,853,928,210!

Every year, the SDG Philanthropy Platform updates its information and data on grants awarded by private foundations and those awarded by Official Development Assistance (ODA).  According to this platform, between 2010 and 2015, USD $ 140,853,228,210 was the amount that reached the global funding from private foundations for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among the most important donors, the report highlights: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the W.K Kellogg Foundation, among others.

The data provided by the Platform allow a comparative analysis between the amount of resources coming from Official Development Assistance and those that come from the philanthropic sector.

First, with regard to Official Development Assistance, the report shows that the funds are mostly working for SDGs linked to poverty reduction, zero hunger, health and well-being, quality education, the existence of sustainable cities and peace and justice. To a lesser extent, these funds are working for responsible production and consumption, reducing inequalities and fighting for gender equality.

On the other hand, the Funds from the philanthropic sector are mainly directed to projects related to health and well-being, quality education and gender equality. These funds are almost non-existent if we talk about reducing inequalities, reducing poverty, strengthening partnerships and protecting terrestrial ecosystems.  According to the platform, among the most recipients of Private Foundations fund´s are the United States, India, Great Britain, Mexico, China, Israel, Nigeria, among others.

The mission of the SDG Philanthropy Platform is to provide essential data to foster partnerships between Philanthropy, the United Nations, Governments, the Private Sector and Civil Society Organizations. The information provided by the platform is based on the information collected by the Center Foundation on the 1000 largest organizations in the United States and foundations in other countries that provided their data voluntarily to the Foundation. Although it is one of the most complete platforms that measures the commitment of the philanthropy with the SDG, this commitment is not completely represented, since there are Foundations whose data remained outside. However, it is important to mention that among the objectives of the Platform are: to expand the database so that it can provide information and increasingly comprehensive updates on the development assistance provided by different philanthropic foundations worldwide.



Institutional Visit to Asociación de Ayuda al Ciego ASAC

On Friday, May 26, the RACI team visited one of its partner organizations, a strategic activity that has been carried out monthly since 2016 with the aim of sharing an exchange day and getting to know its members more closely. This time it was tAsociación de Ayuda al Ciego ASAC (ASAC).

The visit was made in the morning. Verónica Martella, Head of Fund Development at the institution, was waiting for us. She gave us a warm welcome and a general description of the organization, its history and the services it offers.

Born in 1963, ASAC is an organization that works to improve the quality of life of people with visual impairment through comprehensive care. Its services are divided into four working modalities: Rehabilitation, Labor Training, Day Center, and Home; All of them of great importance to achieve the objective of the organization.

The first step of our journey was to the rehabilitation area, where the Vice President of the institution, Graciela Morel, along with therapists and some attendees taught us how they work. This area is the oldest, and has two services. In the first place, the Integral Functional Rehabilitation service, whose objective is to make people develop their autonomy to the maximum. The treatment involves medical and psychological assessment and monitoring, and the development of skills for everyday life such as occupational therapies and communication techniques. But it also has a Visual Rehabilitation service, aimed at people with low vision who wish to improve their visual efficiency. In both cases the treatment is totally personalized, responding to the possibilities, needs and desires of each attendant.

The Labor Training and Day Center modalities were added later, but are intertwined with Rehabilitation. The first is a training proposal that seeks the reintegration of people, one of the prerequisites being that the person is independent in their mobility and personal responsibilities. In the Center of day, on the other hand, they offer a great amount of workshops and activities. In this space, the skills and behaviors learned are strengthened, socialization is favored, and families are supported and guided.

Finally, and although we were not able to visit it, ASAC also has a home located in the Almagro neighborhood, which provides coverage to independent and visually impaired adults who are homeless or have socio-family problems. The Hogar provides basic resources such as housing, food, and medical and nutritional controls, and offers most of the services that can be found at headquarters.

RACI is deeply grateful to the whole team of the Aid to the Blind Association for allowing us to know closely the work they do and the warmth provided throughout the day.

For more information, visit the organization’s website: