
These are the winners of the New Zealand Fund

During 2017, RACI was the organization chosen by the Embassy of New Zealand to co-manage the fund granted to organizations in Argentina and Paraguay.

The Network received 80 proposals of projects between the two countries, where 52 projects were produced by Civil Society Organizations from Argentina, and the remaining 28 came from 13 of the 17 departments in the Republic of Paraguay.

From the closing date of the call for entries, RACI evaluated all the proposals under the same objective scoring system which is based on the analysis of the following categories: profile of the organization, viability of the project, characteristics of the project, rigor of the project and evaluation of the budget.

The four topics proposed by the Embassy were: “Education and youth”, “sustainable development”, “democratic strengthening of institutions through innovation” and “renewable energy”. In both countries, the most discussed topics were the first two, which were present in the winning proposals.

Based on the results of the evaluation of RACI, the organizations selected by the Embassy of New Zealand were: Pedemonte Foundation, Huellas para un Futuro Foundation, Lengua Franca and Yvy Porá Foundation. All are Argentinian institutions except for the last one based in Paraguay.

The proposals selected were diverse and innovative. In the case of the Pedemonte Foundation, the organization proposes a trail located in the province of Mendoza, more specifically in Villa El Challao, marked with information about the ecosystem, landscape values, its environmental and patrimonial components, and its role in alluvial control.

For its part, the Huellas para un Futuro Foundation presented the second phase of a project started in 2015 which aims to strengthen and expand the reproduction capacity of the stevia plant in order to multiply the number of beneficiaries in a shorter time.

The Lengua Franca project seeks to contribute to the inclusion of adolescents and young people with intellectual disabilities in regular schools by creating books with stories of Argentine authors adapted to the Easy Reading (ER) system. The ER is a strategy of democratization of reading based on internationally agreed standards (IFLA) that spans the lexicon, grammar, content, illustrations, design and edition. With this material, the organization seeks to equip school and public libraries in the City of Buenos Aires.

Finally, the project of the Yvy Porá Foundation aims to develop a self-sustaining model of production and marketing of poultry in the Y’ary Mirĩ Indigenous Community, which after years of living as waste pickers on unproductive and flooded land, decided to move to a more productive and healthy area for the development of their families and community.


One year in seven key points

The next 10 months will be marked by a global agenda of development that will be interesting for all of us. Read about the 7 most important events in 7 minutes.

  1. Changes in the United Nations

With a year of working as the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres proposed reform, prevention and peace as the main topics that will govern his mandate.

While the changes are not easy or fast, it is understood that the transformation Secretary General can make are aimed at generating greater flexibility and efficiency  by various UN actorson issues with highest priority for the world and for the organization. The accomplishment of the SDGs, reduction of conflict-related risks, and the prevention of issues related to climate change and natural disasters are ranked as among the processes to be improved.

  1. Accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The year 2017 left us with a positive balance on many aspects where different variables proposed by the Sustainable Development Agenda yielded encouraging results for 2030. But if there is something that experts agree on, it is that all sectors must commit to work and contribute to accelerate the current rate of progress. Some of the efforts that should be included to make 2018 a prosperous year should be: global and local partnerships, the use of data and quantification, and sustained action in both developed and developing countries. The results of these efforts will be decisive for the meeting of Heads of State that will happen next year at the UN in order to evaluate the progress of the agenda so far.

The G7 Summit in Canada and the G20 Summit in Argentina, both during the current year, will be other stages for the international community. Inclusive growth and employment, climate change, security, food, new technologies and infrastructure for development and equality are the topics to be developed.

  1. Accelerate action on climate change

This year will be crucial since  actions related to the Paris Agreement made by the states and the private sector can be seen at the first World Summit on Climate Action, in California. There, the leaders from all sectors will evaluateprogress through a process called the Talanoa Dialogue and will be able to lay the groundwork for setting the next national goals related to greenhouse gas emissions to be set in 2020.

  1. Greater compromise by the private sector

This year’s keys to the private sector are in follow up of the initiatives carried out during 2017. Some of them are: Principles for the Positive Impact on Finance from the Environmental Program of the United Nations, the new Platform of Financial Innovation for Action in favor of the SDGs of the United Nations Global Compact and the Global Alliance for Comparative Analysis. These initiatives will be relevant towards the end of the year, when the Secretary General’s summit on finance will take place and the global efforts needed to mobilize the volume of financing that contribute to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals will be assessed.

  1. The 70° Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

In a world where more and more threats are restricting the Human Rights of people around the globe, this year we celebrate the 70° anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the chance of incorporate the 30 articles of the Declaration to various lines of work. This goes from the reform of United Nations to the maintenance of the momentum of the SDGs through the central role for conflict prevention migration and refugee pacts.

  1. Pay attention to emigration and refugees

As it can be seen to this moment, 2018 will be a key year in various aspects and emigration and refugees are not an exception. The international community will negotiate the first Global Compact on Refugees in order to generate inquiries and make progress with a Pact for Refugees. This opportunity is truly significant because allows all voices to be heard, their safety and rights to be protected and, above all, nobody will be left behind.

  1. Gender equality and progress on women’s rights

2017 led to the emergence of various measures to promote gender equality and protect women in all their rights. From the United Nations, the Secretary General urged all offices to generate progress in relation to gender parity.

Taking into account the projections that are being studied, there are chances that it will take 200 years to close the economic gender gap. That is why the Bank of New York Mellon Corporation and the United Nations Foundation will publish a report with the objective of disseminating access to financial products and services, as well as expanding its impact on the achievement of gender equality.

On the other hand, in March, the Commission on the Status of Women will meet, which will focus on the empowerment of girls and women in rural areas. Gender will be an important topic also in the G7 and G20 summits as well.

Although the 7 previous points do not express hundreds of events and activities that will be developed during the year, the work to be done from here to 2030 is arduous, expensive and requires the joint work of all the actors involved.


Celebrating the International Civil Society’s Week

From December the 4th till the 8th, the 2017 International Civil Society’s Week as well as CIVICUS World Assembly took place in Suva, Fiji, and RACI did not miss these events.

The International Civil Society’s Week (ICSW) is a global meeting which gathers members of civil society around the globe in a constructive dialogue towards common solutions for global challenges. In 2017, the ICSW was focused on topics such as “Our Planet”, “Our Fights”, and “Our Future”, enabling more than 30 events to gather leading organizations from all around the world. CIVICUS World Assembly was indeed the most distinctive event of all, culminating with the ceremony for the 2017 Civicus Nelson Mandela – Graça Machel Innovation Awards.

In RACI’s representation, our Executive Director as well as Board member of CIVICUS, Guillermo Correa, served as envoy for communicating the main challenges of the Argentinian Civil Society and the regional situation.


G20 is on its way

The G20’s year-cycle for 2018 was inaugurated in November the 30th 2017, having Argentina as the 2018 presiding country for the major global forum of international cooperation. Lasting over a year, around 60 working sessions will gather Chiefs of State, high rank public officers, and multilateral organisms’ representatives in a discussion over economic, financial, and political current matters.

In numbers, the G20 is constituted of 20 developed and emerging countries, as well as the European Union. Spain is in this case in a permanent guest and two countries are invited by the host, this time having Chile and New Zealand nominated by Argentina. Altogether, these countries accumulate 85% of the world’s GDP, 66% of its population (accounting for 4.500 million inhabitants), 75% of world’s commerce and 80% of global investments.

Leaders from regional and international organisations will also participate in these meetings: António Guterres (United Nations’ Secretary-General), José Ángel Gurría (OECD’s Secretary-General), Christine Lagarde (IMF’s Managing Director), Luis Alberto Moreno (IDB’s President) and Jim Yong Kim (World Bank’s President).

Besides meetings held by Sherpas, public officers and representatives from the international organisations, Affinity Groups encounters will also take place.

These groups are divided in 7 topics: Business 20 (international business community); Civil 20 (having as chair and co-chair Poder Ciudadano and RACI, respectively); Labour 20 (unions); Science 20 (science related matters); Think 20 (gathering experts from around the world); Women 20 (linking civil society organisations focused on women with leading women entrepreneurs); and Youth 20 (platform for the visibilisation of young voices). Each affinity group will deliver recommendations for the G20 to take into account in discussions and further negotiations.

Traditional topics in discussion are fiscal policy, development, and fight against corruption, incorporating more recently sustainable development, global health, and women’s participation in the labour market.

Nevertheless, certain priority topics are determined and maintained throughout the years, giving some sort of consistency thanks to the troika’s definition, which was integrated by the previous presiding country (Germany), the current one (Argentina) and the following nation (Japan).

In its 2018 presidency, Argentina determined the “future of work”, “infrastructure for development” and a “sustainable food future” as priority topics for this edition.

These topics will be discussed in 60 meetings, divided in two channels of work: Finance Channel and Sherpas’ Channel (name given to the representatives of the G20 leaders). The first channel will consist of 11 meetings gathering ministers of finances and central bank presidents treating topics of financial order, while the Sherpa Channel will foster 41 meetings between Sherpas and ministers.

Accordingly, each Affinity Group will have specific occasions to meet, as well as countries representatives in the Leaders’ Summit, in which Chiefs of State are expected to collaborate in the implementation of recommendations following discussions.

At least 52 of the previously mentioned meetings will be held in Argentina, with the remaining ones spread across multiple international summits such the World Banks and the IMF’s. The Argentine government has created the G20 Technical Unit in order to coordinate these meetings, pointing at a better collaboration between State sectors.

An estimate of 13.000 people will participate in meetings previous to the Summit, from which 2.700 will be high rank officials (Sherpas, ministers, second rank officials, and experts such as sub-secretaries and directors), joined by 8.000 technical advisors. Impressively enough, the Leaders’ Summit is expected to gather 7.000 attendees.

For more information, check:




RACI presents its two releases – get them here!

RACI launched its two new publications, continuing its collaboration in the institutional strengthening of Civil Society and access to International Cooperation.

With the support of Strengthening Civil Society Office from Buenos Aires City Government we have published the fifth edition of the Manual for Access to International Cooperation and the Directory of Civil Society Organizations in Buenos Aires City.

With sustained effort, the Research Area at RACI is glad to present and share for free access two fundamental tools for the daily work of organizations that, continuing with one of the objectives of our network, seek to democratize information that strengthens a better performance of Civil Society in Argentina.

The Manual for Access to International Cooperation is composed of three parts. The first has updated data and information on International Cooperation and its trends in the world and in Argentina, and on the 2030 Development Agenda. The second part focuses on methodological issues such as the search for donors, forms for project presentations, resources available to access international cooperation and the relationship with the donor, among other information of interest. The third part is dedicated to accountability, providing tools, good practices and recommendations for all Civil Society organisations.

The Directory of Civil Society Organizations in Buenos Aires City contains the data on organizations working in the City of Buenos Aires with systematized and reliable information. Its purpose is to publicize the profiles of the organizations surveyed, aiming at providing visibility for actors from different sectors to articulate in a sustainable manner according to areas of interest and geographical location.

As a result of the data obtained  through this mapping, the digital platform for the Directory of Civil Society Organizations in Buenos Aires City was created, once again supported by Strengthening Civil Society Office from the City Government, to promote social connectivity and the sense of community among different actors that promote the development of Civil Society.

This directory allows you to register organizations and filter your search by name, neighborhood, work topic, and address. It is an open and free platform for all those organizations that wish to join.


Celebrating yet another year of collaborative work!

On November the 28th 2017, RACI celebrated with its partners, allies, and donors another year of projects and objectives achieved in collaboration.

The event was held at the British Embassy’s Residence in Buenos Aires, for the third year in a row, welcoming more than 290 attendees to celebrate the end of 2017 with the RACI team. This event was hosted by the UK’s Ambassador, Mark Kent, and the Executive Director of RACI, Guillermo Correa.

Reviewing a year of collaborative work, Guillermo Correa and Patricia Kahane, Executive Director of Fundación Tzedaká and member of the Executive Committee of our Network, both acknowledged the milestones achieved by the federation and thanked the attendees for their support.

Among our many achievements, we highlight the following: the articulated work of all partner organizations; 7 face-to-face workshops in different locations throughout the country along with 3 free webinars open to all organizations; the Declaration of Interest granted by the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation in recognition of our training sessions and the designation of RACI as co-chair of the Affinity Group Civil20 within of the G20, having Argentina as its president and host in 2018.

From RACI we thank our allies, donors and above all, the member organizations that work year after year within the federation to strengthen the Argentine Civil Society. We wish all of you an excellent ending for 2017 and a 2018 with even greater network collaboration.


Civil20 officially starts its work

Surrounded by journalists and international experts in a press round, and followed by a launching event with Civil Society Organizations, the great challenge of the Civil 20 (C20) has officially  begun.

In December 11th and 12th 2017, the Civil Affinity Group 20 presented its working agenda under the new Argentine presidency of the G20, providing an exclusive press round for journalists at UNDP offices, holding the so-called kick-off event at the Institute of the Foreign Service of the Nation.

In the presence of international representatives and experts, the symbolic handover ceremony was hosted by the Sherpa of Argentina for the G20, Pedro Villagra Delgado, with the chair of C20 2017, Jürgen Maier, and Pablo Secchi, chair of C20 2018, starting the working agenda of civil society within the framework of the G20.

With opening words by the President of Poder Ciudadano, Hugo Wortman Jofré, and René Mauricio Valdez, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System and representative of the UNDP in Argentina, the event invited all the attendees to expose expectations and challenges concerning this new chapter of work.

Emphasizing the inclusion of every Social Organization that might want to participate in the working groups, Pablo Secchi added: “The voice of civil society from all over the world has to be expressed and taken into account so that the results of public policies reach the citizens. We invite all organizations to come.”

To conclude the meeting, the conference “The G20: A Platform of Challenges and Opportunities for the Global Agenda” was held, integrated by Mauricio Alice, sous-sherpa of the G20; Laura Jaitman, Deputy Finance Officer; Anthony Gooch, from the OECD; Steve Price-Thomas, from Oxfam; and René Mauricio Valdez, from UNDP.

If you want to know more about C20’s work, fill up this form and you’ll get all the information about how your organization can participate.


RACI held the last seminar for Civil Organisations at the Regional Center for Latin America and the Caribbean

As part of the series of digital seminars offered throughout the year by the Regional Center for Latin America and the Caribbean, RACI participated as the organizer of the last training.

Tools and strategies for the institutional strengthening of organizations” was the topic for the online training launched through the official website of the Center, in collaboration with the Thomson Reuters Foundation which presented the Trustlaw program.

The activity was oriented towards the development and institutional strengthening of organizations through an exchange that increases their capacities and technical resources in order to achieve greater growth and enhance their sustainability.

The topics discussed over the digital seminar were the following one: the importance of the functions and activities carried out by the Institutional Development area, tools to improve daily management, the resources available to organizations, actors and strategies to expand the funding sources and the pro bono global legal assistance program offered by the Thomson Reuters Foundation through its program.


NEW ZEALAND EMBASSY FUND IN MEXICO Call for proposals 2017-2018


The New Zealand Embassy Fund (NZEF) in Mexico is a program that allows flexible support for projects that clearly and directly contribute to the elimination of poverty, and that have a high impact on the socioeconomic development of the community.

The projects must be in line with the mission of the New Zealand Embassy Fund that seeks “sustainable development in developing countries, in order to reduce poverty and contribute to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world”

For its 2017-2018 call, the New Zealand Embassy invites NGOs and community groups to present project proposals in the areas of:

  • Education (particularly of women and indigenous communities)
  • Climate change and resilience
  • Food security
  • Disaster Relief
  • Community economic development
  • Sustainable agricultural development

It’s essential that the projects are sustainable and that the beneficiaries are involved in their execution and maintenance.

The call is open for organizations in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Dominican Republic.

(Organizations in Cuba and Venezuela are also eligible; buy must apply directly to the New Zealand Embassy in Mexico)


Recipients will be non-governmental organizations and community groups committed to non-profit development activities. Funding will not be provided to individuals.

Support duration

Projects must be specific and have a duration of up to 6 months.

NON-fundable activities

  • Political, religious or evangelical activities. Religious associations will not be excluded as long as the proposed project is consistent with the purpose of the New Zealand Embassy Fund, does not exclude followers of other religions and the funds are not used to support proselytizing activities.
  • On-site visits
  • Non-requested donations
  • Student Scholarships
  • International travels / participation in conferences abroad
  • Sporting tours
  • Financing of operational costs of the benefited association, such as wages and salaries, office supplies, and communications.

The maximum amount per project will be up to MXN $200,000 (NZD $15,000, approximately).

The selected projects must complete a partial progress report and a final report.

For projects that request more than the equivalent of NZD $12,000, the payment will be made in 3 (three) installments and on delivery of the partial and final reports:

1st installment 60%
2nd installment 30% (after delivery of the progress report)
3rd installment 10%(after delivery of the final report)


For projects that request less than the equivalent of NZD $12,000, the payment will be made in 2 (two) installments and upon delivery of the partial progress report:

1st installment 60%
2nd installment 30% (after delivery of the progress report)


Those in charge of the accepted projects must commit to confirm that they have received the goods and/or services requested and that they were used as established in the application form. All funded projects must be available for monitoring by visiting members of the New Zealand Embassy.

Application Process

The Argentine Network for International Cooperation (RACI) will be responsible for receiving the applications. The Application Form (available at the end of this call for proposals) must be sent duly completed to before the deadline.

All applications must be submitted as follows:

  • Clearly written on the application form; additional information can be attached.
  • Accompanied by budgets and purchase orders from suppliers of good and services when necessary.
  • The form must be signed by a member responsible for the applicant organization.
  • Send it via email to:


Those applications sent after the deadline will be out of the selection process. Only one project per organization will be received.

The deadline to submit the projects is Friday, December 15, 2017 at 6pm (Mexico time).

For more information, contact: New Zealand Embassy Fund Manager in Mexico


Telephone: +54 11 4862-5447





The Regional Center for Innovation, with the support of Tides Center, launches the call for proposals for Civil Society Organizations from Latin America and Caribbean countries that work to strengthen civil society through innovation. The fund will not be granted to individuals. The presentation of co-created ideas involving sinergy with other Civil Society Organizations or networks is encouraged.

In this opportunity, we will select projects that work on any of these two areas:

  • Enabling environment.
  • Transparency and accountability.

Projects must last no longer than 6 months, beginning on January 1, 2018.

A total of three (3) projects will be financed: 1 (one) project of up to USD 5,000 (five thousand US dollars) and 2 (two) projects of up to USD 2,500 (two thousand five hundred US dollars).

The selected projects must send a progress report and a final report in which proof is left that the received funds were used in the committed activities of the project.

Among non-fundable activities are:

-Travel and accommodation

-Proselytizing/Political activities

How to apply?

The Argentine Network for International Cooperation (RACI) will be in charge of receiving the applications. To apply, the Organizations must send a complete form, which is available here, before November 30 th, 2017.

Applications will be received in Spanish or English.

Applications must be sent via email to or by post to:


Sánchez de Bustamante 191 1° “G

(C 1173ABA) – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

The deadline to apply to the call is Thursday November 30th, 2017 at 6pm (Buenos Aires time). Projects received after that date and time will not be considered for evaluation.

For any doubt or query, you can send an email to: or by telephone to: +54 11 4862-5447.


The Regional Center for Innovation has been created by:


For more information, please visit: