
RACI’s New Executive Committee 2020 – 2022!

With great joy we want to communicate that during the last Members’ Assembly, the results of the elections of the new members of the Executive Committee for the 2020-2022 period were announced.

We want, first of all, to say goodbye to the members of the 2018-2020 outgoing Committee, who have put their commitment and dedication to the service of the growth and consolidation of the Network during this management. Thank you Patricia Kahane, from Fundación Tzedaká; Bárbara Kuss, from the Huerta Niño Foundation; Emilio Xarrier, from MALBA; Noel Alonso Murray, of the Legislative Directory Foundation; and Raúl Zavalía Lagos, from the Provivienda Social Foundation!

We also thank the alternate members of this period Josefina Maxit, from Asociación Conciencia; Nicolás Rosenthal, from Fundación Hora de Obrar; and Manuel Jaramillo, from Fundación Vida Silvestre, who have participated and been available to collaborate with the Network.

On the other hand, we want to highlight the great participation of candidates during this 2020 election process, also reflecting the diversity and growth of RACI through the nominations of excellent candidates.

We present to you the new titular members of the Executive Committee: Daniel Pomerantz of AMIA; Manuel Jaramillo from Fundación Vida Silvestre; Natalia Gherardi from the Latin American Justice and Gender Team (ELA); Marisa Giraldez of the Food Bank Foundation; Mariela Belski from Amnesty International; Diego Aguilar from Fundación León; and Virgilio Gregorini from TECHO Argentina.

The elected alternate members are: Nicolás Federico, Reciduca Foundation; Nicolás Rosenthal, Fundación Protestante Diaconía Hora de Obrar; and Carolina Tamagnini, FUNDEPS.

We are very excited and we trust in the potential of this Executive Committee to accompany the management of the Executive Directorate.
