
Get to know the current situation of NGOs in Argentina

Since 2019, we have been part of the “Civil Society Network for Consolidating Democracy” (Sociedad Civil en Red), a project co-financed by the European Union that seeks to strengthen the participation of Argentine civil society in the creation and implementation of public policies.

In this second stage of the project, we are conducting research on the current situation of organizations throughout the country, with the active participation of over 500 organizations.

To achieve this, we first worked on the creation of five regional nodes formed by our networks and partner organizations. These nodes are: Center, Patagonia, NEA, NOA, and Cuyo.

This detailed analysis is crucial for understanding the demands and needs of Argentine civil society.

We believe that this valuable diagnosis will guide our actions to strengthen the voice of organizations in the creation of public policies.

Civil Society in Network is a multi-stakeholder space formed by FEDEFA, Red Encuentro, GDFE, Foro del Sector Social, Red Banco de Alimentos, and RACI, which seeks to strengthen democracy.

Learn more about SCR and access the full report.