
Our Members: FUSA for Comprehensive Health with a Gender and Rights Perspective Civil Association

Recently, we had the pleasure of meeting with the team from FUSA, an organization committed to comprehensive and quality health. During our visit, we discussed their projects, achievements, and challenges for the upcoming year. We also collaborated in co-creating strategies and actions to strengthen networking and coordination with other development actors.

FUSA has an experienced team in interdisciplinary work with people of all ages and gender identities in the field of health. Their main goal is to improve people’s quality of life through the promotion, prevention, and comprehensive health care from a gender and human rights perspective.

In addition to providing safe health spaces, FUSA works on important issues related to sexual and reproductive health, such as combined HIV and STI prevention, comprehensive sexual education, and the introduction of contraceptive methods.

Learn more about their work by visiting their website.

Thank you for having us!