
CIVICUS Shares Its Watchlist – September 2023

We are sharing the latest news about the state of civic freedoms in five countries that have raised deep concerns from the CIVICUS Monitor. This organization, dedicated to protecting and promoting civil society rights worldwide, has issued a new watchlist highlighting the severe and rapid deterioration of civic space in Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ecuador, the United Arab Emirates, and Senegal.

The CIVICUS Monitor’s watchlist is an important tool that identifies countries where worrisome setbacks in the exercise of civic freedoms have been observed. These findings are based on assessments conducted by the CIVICUS Monitor in collaboration with human rights defenders and activists committed to safeguarding fundamental rights.

The civic space ratings in these countries are as follows:

Senegal: Civic space rated as “obstructed.” Bangladesh: Civic space rated as “repressive.” Bosnia and Herzegovina: Civic space rated as “narrowed.” United Arab Emirates: Civic space rated as “closed.” Ecuador: Civic space rated as “obstructed.”

In the coming weeks and months, the CIVICUS Monitor will continue to closely monitor the situation in these countries and work to increase pressure on the respective governments. CIVICUS urgently calls on these governments to take immediate measures to end ongoing repressive actions and ensure accountability for those responsible.

At RACI, we recognize the importance of supporting organizations like the CIVICUS Monitor that seek to preserve and strengthen civic space worldwide.

We will closely follow this situation and encourage our members to stay informed about these concerns and join efforts to protect civic freedoms worldwide.