
We Launched Our Year-End Campaign!

RACI has decided to launch a campaign throughout the month of December, with the aim of being more connected than ever.

These present times constitute a fundamental challenge to teamwork and we acknowledge that restrictions imposed as a means of protecting us from the pandemic has impacted many Argentinian Civil Society Organizations. Nevertheless, we also know that the Social Sector has had an undeniable importance when dealing with this health and social crisis.

At RACI, we believe more than ever that networking constitutes a unique opportunity to overcome the challenges presented to us this year. It is for those reasons that we have set out to give visibility to Civil Society by reviewing all the monumental work that has been done this year, understanding how important it has been to be connected. We believe it is essential to understand to what extent we have been able to respond to these needs by working as a team and articulating our efforts, and thus continue to promote the culture of networking!

With the contributions of all members, we will be creating content to share on social networks throughout December to make the work of CSOs visible and to promote the importance of working together.

Civil Society is active this year too!