
We have coordinated a Diversity and Inclusion Workshop with organizations from all over Latin America!

In November, RACI coordinated a virtual workshop on Diversity and Inclusion (D & I) for the Transparency International chapters in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The objective of the workshop was to work with organizations the dimensions of D&I established by DIGNA, with the purpose of contributing to creating more diverse and inclusive organizations. During two meetings, we worked on useful tools and knowledge to start a process of change in the work culture of CSOs. RACI contributed to the meeting with a focus on institutional development, regional and global perspective and the expertise provided by the culture of networking. On the one hand, the workshop sought to increase the capacities and resources of organizations to improve practices and policies around D&I. On the other hand, it sought to continue promoting networking and the exchange of resources and information among CSOs from different countries.

Regarding the dynamics of the workshop, multiple group activities and “self-assessment” exercises were carried out by countries, with a view to identifying potential D&I work focuses in their organizations.

To enrich the experience even more, during the second day, we had the presence of a panel of experts who work on different dimensions of D&I: Gisela Dohm, Member of the Political Area and Senior Researcher in the Latin American Justice and Gender Team; Andrea Rivas, President of Diverse Families Association of Argentina; Lisa Kerner, Director of Brandon for equality, equal rights and opportunities Civil and Cultural Association.

By way of conclusion, we would like to emphasize that the focus was on the need to have an intersectional view of reality, taking into account the situations of privilege and oppression that people experience within our societies and organizations.

From RACI we are very happy with the results of this meeting! It was possible to perceive and verify, through the responses of the Workshop Evaluation Form, a big interest on the part of the participants in the subject of D&I.

We intend to continue deepening and accompanying the organizations in this learning process and we are interested in creating with the members of the network a working group that can contribute to the D&I problem in our organizations!

Thank you very much Transparency International for trusting us, the panel of experts for their commitment and all the participants!