
The 2020-2022 Executive Committee roles have been assigned!

With great joy, we would like to communicate that, during the December Board Meeting, the roles of the members of the Executive Committee for the period 2020-2022 were established.

The Committee is responsible, among other things, for assisting in the implementation of the annual action plan and developing political actions in line with the medium and long-term strategy, being, in addition, a great support from the Executive Directorate in its day-to-day work.

The Executive Committee 2020-2022 is composed as follows:

Daniel Pomerantz, AMIA: President.

Mariela Belski, Amnesty International Argentina: Vice President.

Natalia Gherardi, Latin American Justice and Gender Team (ELA): Secretary. Marisa Giraldez, Fundación Banco de Alimentos: Treasurer.

Manuel Jaramillo, Fundación Vida Silvestre: Regular Member.

Diego Aguilar, Fundación León: Alternate Member

Virgilio Gregorini, TECHO: Lead Account Auditor

Nicolás Federico, Fundación Reciduca: Deputy auditor.

We are very happy with the results! We are confident in the potential of this great team and we look forward to working together to continue growing.

Thank you for your commitment to the Network!