
Over 40 CSOs Participated in the Strategic Planning Module of the ‘Transform Your Work’ Series

On Tuesday, September 4, we launched the Strategic Planning Module as part of the “Transform Your Work: Strengthening Tools for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)” training series, an initiative driven by RACI with the support of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires.

This first meeting was held at the Colegio Único de Corredores Inmobiliarios de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CUCICBA), where more than 40 organizations from the city actively participated, sharing experiences and exploring various dynamics of strategic planning.

The importance of strategic planning for CSOs

During the session, we worked on the concept of strategic planning, which goes far beyond the creation of a short-term plan. The challenges and opportunities organizations face when projecting their work in changing environments were analyzed. Through a participatory dynamic, we discussed how strategic planning allows organizations to align their resources and efforts with their mission and vision, facilitating better decision-making over time.

Additionally, we reviewed the fundamental steps for successful planning, addressing topics such as key roles within an organization and identifying the resources needed to achieve the set goals. Models and methods adapted to different organizational realities were also part of the discussion, with a special emphasis on the difference between strategic planning and annual planning.

Next steps and expectations for the series

This was just the first of several meetings that make up the training series. On September 18, the second module will take place, addressing “Access to Resources and Project Management,” key topics for the institutional strengthening of civil society organizations.

If you are part of an organization and would like to join the next module, you can still register here.

The “Transform Your Work” series aims to provide organizations with practical tools and essential knowledge to become more efficient and sustainable in the long term.

Thank you for participating!