
New Perspectives in International Cooperation: OECD Report

We are pleased to share a recent report by the OECD titled “Global Outlook on Financing for Sustainable Development 2024.” This document provides a comprehensive view of financing for sustainable development and its impact on international cooperation.

Global Context and Emerging Challenges The report highlights that financing for sustainable development faces significant challenges within a global context of increasing economic and geopolitical uncertainty. Among the key challenges identified are the shrinking fiscal space in developing countries, the rise in public debt, and pressures stemming from climate change and social inequality.

Trends in Development Financing One of the report’s most notable conclusions is the need to mobilize greater resources for sustainable development through innovative sources and multisectoral partnerships. The document underscores that, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is essential to reconfigure financing strategies, fostering collaboration between the public sector, the private sector, and civil society organizations.

Key Recommendations The report offers a series of recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of development financing:

  • Expanding International Cooperation: The OECD emphasizes the importance of strengthening cooperation among countries, particularly in designing and implementing development policies that are inclusive and sustainable.
  • Innovation in Financing: The creation of innovative financial mechanisms, such as green bonds and results-based financing, is suggested to channel more resources towards sustainable projects.
  • Strengthening Global Governance: The report advocates for greater international coordination to ensure that financial flows align with the SDGs, promoting transparency and accountability in their use.
  • Supporting Developing Countries: It is crucial to increase financial and technical support to developing countries so they can strengthen their capacities and resilience in the face of economic and environmental crises.

Impact on International Cooperation Success in financing sustainable development depends on the ability of global actors to work together towards common goals. The OECD’s recommendations point to a more integrated and strategic approach, where civil society organizations like RACI play a central role in mobilizing resources and implementing projects that benefit the most vulnerable communities.

We invite you to read the full report to better understand how these trends and recommendations might influence our international cooperation strategies.