
Pata Pila: Innovation and Sustainability in Action

Since 2015, Pata Pila has been working to improve the quality of life for families living in extreme poverty in Argentina. During our visit to their headquarters in Buenos Aires, we learned about their innovative approach to tackling social and environmental challenges.

Pata Pila is expanding its impact through the Green Impact project, an initiative supported by Redes Chaco and Team Europe Argentina. This project aims to create a collective multisectoral agreement among public, civil society, and private sector actors, with the goal of supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and reaching climate neutrality by 2050.

During our visit, we discussed the importance of on-the-ground work, project sustainability, and the value of international cooperation.

To learn more about their work and how they are contributing to a greener and more sustainable future, we invite you to visit their social media channels.

ADER: Regional Development and Sustainable Entrepreneurship

We also visited ADER (The Agency for the Development of Santa Fe and its Region) virtually, where we learned about their programs of interest for regional development. ADER stands out for its ability to coordinate efforts between the public and private sectors, facilitating constructive dialogue that drives significant projects.

They shared their vision of sustainable entrepreneurship, affirming that it is both possible and necessary for regional development, and emphasized the importance of setting clear goals and specific strategies that respond to local needs.

The organization insists that the key to success lies in adapting strategies to regional diversity and seizing the opportunities offered by dialogue between different sectors.

Thank you for hosting us!


AI is Here to Revolutionize Fundraising!

We invite you to our upcoming workshop: “Technology with Purpose: Transforming Fundraising with Artificial Intelligence.” This event is a unique opportunity to discover how AI can become a strategic ally to enhance the impact of your organization.

Date: Thursday, August 29, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Format: Virtual via Zoom

During this workshop, we will explore:

  • Practical Tools: Learn about the most effective AI tools to improve your fundraising strategies.
  • Key Recommendations: Receive advice on how to efficiently integrate technology into your daily activities.
  • Strategic Impact: Discover how AI can streamline your work and maximize your organization’s results.

This workshop is ideal for those who want to stay at the forefront of technology use in the Civil Society Organizations sector. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how AI can transform your organization’s work and elevate your initiatives to the next level.

Sign up now and secure your spot!


Launch of the First Module of Our Training Cycle: “Strategic Planning”

On Monday, August 12th, we kicked off our 2024 Training Cycle with the first module: Strategic Planning. This course is specially designed to guide Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the City of Buenos Aires as they adapt to the current challenges in our region and country.

In-person session: Wednesday, September 4th, from 10:00 to 12:00. Virtual session: Wednesday, September 18th, from 10:00 to 12:00.

Throughout this module, we will cover essential aspects for effective planning, including:

  • The Importance of Planning: Understand why CSOs need to plan and the benefits of doing so.
  • Practical Methodologies: Learn concrete tools that will help you build a solid strategic plan.
  • Process Phases: From defining the mission to implementation and evaluation, we’ll cover all key stages.
  • Participatory Approach: Discover how to involve all key stakeholders in the planning process to ensure its success.

Reminder: To receive a certificate of participation, attendance at both module dates is mandatory. Spaces are limited, so don’t miss out!

This space is a unique opportunity to strengthen your organization, share experiences, and acquire tools that will enable you to face future challenges with clear and effective planning.

Sign up now and secure your spot!


Kettering Global Fellows at Work: Interview with Victoria Vanetta

In a recent feature interview by the Kettering Foundation, Victoria Vanetta, Director of Operations at RACI, shared her insights and the impact of her participation in the Kettering Global Fellowship. This program, focused on promoting inclusive democracies at the international level, has been a key platform for driving innovative tools within the network.

Victoria emphasized the importance of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in promoting and defending human rights, social justice, and sustainable development. She also detailed how her work at RACI led her to develop an interactive dashboard that facilitates collaboration among our member organizations, providing direct access to key information to enhance networked efforts.

This dashboard, created with the support of the fellowship, allows CSOs to identify and connect with other organizations that share similar interests and missions, fostering new opportunities for cooperation and innovation. Victoria continues to work on improving this tool, with the hope that it will continue to strengthen civil society spaces and democracy in Argentina.

We invite you to read the full interview to learn more about her work.


New Perspectives in International Cooperation: OECD Report

We are pleased to share a recent report by the OECD titled “Global Outlook on Financing for Sustainable Development 2024.” This document provides a comprehensive view of financing for sustainable development and its impact on international cooperation.

Global Context and Emerging Challenges The report highlights that financing for sustainable development faces significant challenges within a global context of increasing economic and geopolitical uncertainty. Among the key challenges identified are the shrinking fiscal space in developing countries, the rise in public debt, and pressures stemming from climate change and social inequality.

Trends in Development Financing One of the report’s most notable conclusions is the need to mobilize greater resources for sustainable development through innovative sources and multisectoral partnerships. The document underscores that, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is essential to reconfigure financing strategies, fostering collaboration between the public sector, the private sector, and civil society organizations.

Key Recommendations The report offers a series of recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of development financing:

  • Expanding International Cooperation: The OECD emphasizes the importance of strengthening cooperation among countries, particularly in designing and implementing development policies that are inclusive and sustainable.
  • Innovation in Financing: The creation of innovative financial mechanisms, such as green bonds and results-based financing, is suggested to channel more resources towards sustainable projects.
  • Strengthening Global Governance: The report advocates for greater international coordination to ensure that financial flows align with the SDGs, promoting transparency and accountability in their use.
  • Supporting Developing Countries: It is crucial to increase financial and technical support to developing countries so they can strengthen their capacities and resilience in the face of economic and environmental crises.

Impact on International Cooperation Success in financing sustainable development depends on the ability of global actors to work together towards common goals. The OECD’s recommendations point to a more integrated and strategic approach, where civil society organizations like RACI play a central role in mobilizing resources and implementing projects that benefit the most vulnerable communities.

We invite you to read the full report to better understand how these trends and recommendations might influence our international cooperation strategies.


Introducing the First Winning Projects of the 2024 U.S. Embassy Fund in Argentina!

This Fund aims to provide financial support to projects that contribute to the U.S. Embassy in Argentina’s goal of strengthening bilateral ties by promoting economic prosperity and security through initiatives that seek to increase understanding between individuals and institutions in both countries.

The U.S. Grants Fund assists organizations or individuals in implementing programs, offering new opportunities for civic engagement, sharing best practices, and advancing issues of public importance with a focus on the following priority areas:

  • Projects that enhance and reinforce the perception of American values, with a special emphasis on Human Rights and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility.
  • Projects that improve media literacy, press freedom, and counteract disinformation.
  • Projects that increase knowledge and best practices in accountability, good governance, transparency, and shared democratic principles.

The first cohort of winners of the 2024 U.S. Embassy Fund in Argentina consists of projects submitted before April 12th, which were evaluated by RACI and selected by the Embassy.

The winners are:

At RACI, we congratulate these organizations for their dedication and effort in presenting outstanding projects!

Projects submitted between April 13th and June 30th are currently under evaluation and selection.

Finally, we remind you that there are only two days left until the application deadline on August 15th at 5:00 p.m.


Welcome to RACI!

On Wednesday, August 7th, we welcomed 40 new Civil Society Organizations that have joined our network in 2024. In an event full of energy and commitment, held at the Navarro Viola Foundation, we greeted these organizations that are now part of RACI.

This gathering not only marked the beginning of a rewarding collaboration but also reaffirmed the strength of working together as a network. Every new organization that joins RACI brings fresh ideas, perspectives, and renewed energy that strengthens our shared mission: to transform civil society in Argentina.

Thank you to all the organizations that have chosen to be part of this transformation and to the Navarro Viola Foundation for providing us with their space for such a significant event.

Welcome to RACI!

Mesa Abierta

Grupo Buenos Ayres

DataGénero – Observatorio de Datos con Perspectiva de Género

Asociación Civil Biblioteca Popular Empalme Norte

Asociación Civil Capibara Naturaleza Derecho y Sociedad

Asociación Civil Nuestra Primera Página

Vamos a Zoomar

Asociación Civil “Río Paraná”

Ronda Cultural

Conciencia Solidaria

Eco Feminita

Asociación Grupo Cre-Arte

Asociación Guías Argentinas

Fundación Los Naranjos

Fundación SAGAI

Fundación Sí

Asociación Civil Grupo Puentes

Fundación Franciscana

BisBlick Talento Joven

Central Espacio de Ideas

Movimiento Solidario Rosario

Fundación Líderes de Ansenuza


Bosques de Agua

Lechería de la Solidaridad

Agenda Ambiental


Recrearme para Construir

Proyecto Surcos para la Promoción de la Salud AC

Fundación Aguas

Fundación Generando Nexos

Asociación Síndrome de Down de la República Argentina

Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir

Asociación Civil para la Transformación Cultural de Tucumán

Asociación Civil Revista Crisis

Fundación Empujar

Fundación DPT

Fundación Conocimiento Abierto

Impacto Digital

Instituto Ciudad