What we do

What we do

We contribute to the social transformation of Argentina through the creation of a space for inter-institutional exchange and dialogue

We contribute to the social transformation of Argentina through the creation of a space for inter-institutional exchange and dialogue





The strengthening of Civil Society is at the center of our 2020-2025 strategic planning. To achieve this objective, we need to work in an interrelated way with each of the four axes: Advocacy, Capacity Strengthening, Convene and Research. Through the mutual relationship between these lines of work and the fulfillment of their objectives and characteristics, an organic whole is formed that progresses towards a conducive enabling space and a stronger and more resilient Civil Society.  

Strengthening Civil Society


We promote the actions and impact of Civil Society by building a culture of networking 


We work to generate and sustain an enabling space


We produce data, generate tools, and disclose relevant information for Civil Society

Capacity Strengthening

We seek to contribute to the strengthening of the organizational structure and the professionalization of the social sector

Strategic Planning


For this planning, we use an innovative methodology known as Transformative Planning for Changing Scenarios. This is a tool that allows us to deal with complex situations that cannot be unilaterally transformed. For this reason, it was necessary to involve all those actors who influence or may influence the development of the best possible future, implying a participatory, organized process based on the constant learning of those emerging from the implementation of the methodology.