
Our members: ACIJ launched Romper la Rueda

ACIJ launches Romper la Rueda, a podcast on corruption for Argentina and Latin America.

In this first cycle of 10 interviews with local and regional specialists, ACIJ addresses some of the most relevant dimensions of the phenomenon of corruption. These conversations seek to contribute to the reflection on concrete solutions to combat corruption from a human rights perspective. Access the episodes 

Corruption is a complex phenomenon, composed of multiple social, political, and economic dimensions. It produces greater inequality in multiple ways, distorts the collective purposes of public spending, reduces the legitimacy of state and business decisions, and lowers levels of confidence in democracy and the rule of law. In general terms, corruption undermines the pillars of democracy and affects human rights in various ways.

On the other hand, the dimensions that make up the phenomenon of corruption are also numerous. The role of the judiciary, political financing, procurement and contracting systems, public ethics laws, control bodies and the participation of the private sector are some of the issues that must be addressed when talking about corruption. The complexity of the subject has led to the interest of professionals from the most diverse fields of knowledge: economics, political science, sociology, journalism, law, among many others. 

Therefore, through Romper la Rueda, ACIJ seeks to contribute to the construction of a quality and accessible debate on the phenomenon of corruption, which gathers the knowledge and experiences of specialists who have been working on the subject for years and whose purpose is to shed light on the specific causes and consequences of one of the great scourges of contemporary societies. 

In each chapter, fundamental referents on the subject are interviewed, chosen according to criteria of gender equity, age diversity, and a wide range of roles and belongings, in order to reach a wide audience that includes those who regularly follow this agenda, but also those who have never had an approach to the subject.

Romper la Rueda seeks to be a contribution to the generation of a quality public conversation on corruption, which helps to dimension the phenomenon adequately, while providing arguments to build the conditions for the possibility of structural changes that are necessary in our countries for its prevention, detection and punishment.


You can listen to the interviews through the Spotify platform in this link


Episode 1 | La máquina de la corrupción (The Corruption Machine), with Natalia Volosín 


Episode 2 | Corrupción y derechos humanos (Corruption and human rights), with Claudio Nash  


Episode 3 | El rol del periodismo en la investigación de la corrupción (The Role of Journalism in the Investigation of Corruption), with Hugo Alconada Mon


Episode 4 | | El crimen organizado como motor de la corrupción (Organized Crime as a Driver of Corruption), with Claudia Escobar


Episode 5 | Captura del Estado y conflictos de intereses (State Capture and Conflicts of Interest), with Ana Castellani


Episode 6 | Corrupción y Constitución (Corruption and the Constitution), with Roberto Gargarella


Episode 7 | Causas y Efectos de la Corrupción (Causes and Effects of Corruption), with Bonnie Palifka


Episode 8 | Empresas transnacionales, corrupción y derechos humanos (Transnational Corporations, Corruption and Human Rights), with Maria Laura Bohm


Episode 9 | Poder Judicial e Impunidad (Judiciary and Impunity), with Federico Delgado


Episode 10 | Activismo ciudadano y lucha contra la corrupción (Citizen Activism and the Fight Against Corruption), with Juanita Olaya