
Digital Transformation and the Futures of Civic Space to 2030

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a document about digital transformation and the futures of civic space to 2030.

The digital transformation, related to economic and social effects about digitization is altering the civic, physical, virtual and legal space where people associate, articulate and gather.

The implication of digital transformation for fundamental freedoms and civic space are particularly relevant in COVID-19 context, marked with a widespread display of digital technologies for replay at the global health crisis.  These trends challenging the ways that Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and other providers of development co-operation strive to promote an enabling environment for civil society to contribute to sustainable development. An open and dynamic civic space is essential for this.

The document provides a general vision of the variables that could decide the path of civic space in this context of digital transformation. Identifies four plausible futures that could materialize by 2030 and try to help at who are responsible of designing development cooperation policies and form the civic space of the future in a dynamic way; empowering the opportunities that digital transformation offers while mitigating its risks.

The point of this document is creating a guide for the members of DAC to encourage them to promote auspicious environments for the civil society. Protecting and the civic spaces and the responsibility of the OSC build on the principles of inclusive dialogue and participation.

The decisions of political cooperation that we make today will form the civic space for tomorrow.

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