
Dialogue with United Nations Argentina

Within the framework of a series of National Dialogues that the United Nations Argentina office has held in our country, RACI organized a meeting, on September 30, with member organizations with the aim of contributing to the construction of the strategic framework for Cooperation International of Argentina that the UN is conducting in Argentina for the period 2021-2025.

During the event, challenges and opportunities were analyzed on issues related to different dimensions, such as the social, economic, environmental, institutional development, human rights and gender equality dimensions.

The organizations offered their considerations on the plan presented around several questions: What do you think should be the priorities for UN cooperation? Do you consider that there are topics that have been omitted? What role do you expect the UN to play in Argentina in the coming years in the country? How could / should the UN cooperate for the State to meet its human rights and sustainable development goals?

Thanks UN Argentina for the proposal and to all our members for joining us!